Reduce Symptoms of Menopause: Probiotic Vitalpause Yogurt

Vitalpause Yogurt helps ease the transition of menopause, reducing symptoms

Vitalpause Wellness Yogurt may help ease the transition of menopause, reducing symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, and mood swings. Lactobacillus bacteria, found in Gut Wellness yogurt, can benefit women of all ages by improving skin health, boosting the immune system, reducing urinary tract infections, and aiding weight loss. Research also suggests Lactobacillus gasseri may reduce menopausal distress.

Menopause symptoms include infrequent menstruation cycles, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, anxiety or depression.

Although this list is not complete, menopausal women generally have to contend with some or all of the following symptoms.

  •  Anxiety
  •  Insomnia
  •  Hot flashes
  •  Night sweats
  •  Mood swings
  •  Vaginal dryness
  •  Reduced immune health
  •  Compromised digestive health
  •  Impaired skin health
  •  Greater susceptibility to vaginal infections
  •  Reduced interest in sex
  • Worsening of memory
  • Poor concentration
  • Weak bones/osteoporosis

Probiotic yogurt can help ease the transition through menopause, reducing and improving symptoms.

5 key benefits for women associated with VitalPause Wellness Yogurt are:

1. Management of Menopausal Symptoms: The yogurt aids in reducing the frequency and severity of hot flushes and night sweats, providing significant relief from these discomforting menopausal symptoms. It also contributes to improved mood and sleep quality, addressing crucial aspects of menopausal well-being.

2. Gut Health and Hormone Regulation With a high concentration of beneficial bacteria that support the gut microbiome, the yogurt plays a pivotal role in regulating hormones during menopause and addressing digestive comfort and regularity.

3. Dietary Compatibility and Inclusivity It is easy to incorporate into the daily routine and is suitable for individuals with various dietary restrictions or sensitivities, catering to diverse dietary needs.

4. Testimonial Support and Commitment to Women's Health: Countless women have reported remarkable improvements in health and well-being while using Viva V products, underpinning Viva V's commitment to empowering women and promoting better health and well-being during menopause and beyond.

5. Improvement in Physical Health and Symptom Relief: The yogurt helps improve resilience to stress and anxiety, reduces vaginal dryness and inflammation, and prevents vaginal and urinary tract infections, thereby significantly benefiting women's overall physical health and well-being during menopause.

These benefits encompass Vitalpause Yogurt's comprehensive support for women's health during the menopausal transition and demonstrate its potential to address a range of critical needs during this stage of life.

Tags: Menopause, Women's Health, Gut Health, Hormone Regulation, Dietary Inclusivity, Testimonials, Well-being, Hot Flushes, Night Sweats, Sleep Quality

Bacteria species from the Lactobacillus family feature prominently in Gut Wellness yogurts.

Lactobacillus reuteri and gasseri have abilities that make them very appropriate choices for all women who may be approaching or going through menopause.

Some of Gut Wellness Yogurt’s benefits, such as healthier-looking skin, increasing vitality and reducing stress will appeal to women of all ages.

Lactobacillus is one of the most prevalent bacteria in the vaginal microbiome. Menopause can change the vaginal microbiome for the worse, causing many women over 50 to experience issues with bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Yogurt that provides Lactobacillus bacteria supports improvements in vaginal health. These bacterial tweaks help reduce the likelihood of vaginal infections of this type.

Research suggests menopause may also increase the risk of atherosclerosis in women. Study data indicates Lactobacillus bacteria may help prevent this from happening.

Introducing beneficial bacteria in your gut will:

  • 1.   Boost gut health and digestive system
  • 2.   Improve vaginal health and reduce yeast infections
  • 3.   Boost overall health resulting in a healthy immune system
  • 4.   Reduce urinary tract infections and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms

Weight gain approaching or during menopause is another challenge that's common for women. If you have this problem or worry you may do so in the future, you need to be aware that Lactobacillus gasseri is one of the best probiotics for supporting weight loss.

The risk of osteoporosis becomes greater after menopause. That's one of the reasons some women risk HRT.

Two of the best probiotic alternatives to HRT are Lactobacillus reuteri and gasseri

In May 2022, Nutrients journal published a study that highlights the value of using Lactobacillus gasseri in reducing menopausal distress.

Eighty women (aged 40-60) took part and, as is typical with such studies, some of them were given Lactobacillus gasseri while others got a placebo.

After the study, the women completed questionnaires. The responses they gave suggest Lactobacillus gasseri is capable of reducing the symptoms of menopause by a significant amount.

Research shows Wellness Yogurts can do a lot more than influence gut health. These friendly microorganisms can benefit the mind and body in numerous ways and people are consuming Gut wellness yogurt to achieve many aims including better immune function and weight loss.