When SIBO Yogurt is effective in Displacing Nasty Bacteria and Fungi Infesting Your Small Intestine

Summary of this Blog Post:

SIBO Gut Wellness Yogurt displaces nasty bacteria and fungi in Small Intestine

- When SIBO Yogurt (or antibiotics) successfully displace bacteria and fungi in the Small Intestine, endotoxemia may occur.
- Endotoxemia is a die-off reaction caused by the release of components from dying microbes.
- Symptoms of endotoxemia include flu-like symptoms, low-grade fever, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
- Ways to reduce the effects of endotoxemia include starting with low doses of SIBO Yogurt. (antifungal agents) and using activated charcoal. ( 500/ 1000 milligrams of activated charcoal is quite effective)


When your SIBO Yogurt starts to displace the nasty bacteria and fungi ( let's say e coli and proteus and pseudomonas and klebsiella)  in your Small Intestine  (or you take antibiotics successfully for SIBO), you may experience endotoxemia

Explanation from Dr William Davis


Transcript of pertinent information and time in video:

(1:24:24)Ii think it's important we touch on is “die off reactions” (endotoxemia) so people that are going to get in there and start mucking around and whether it be conventional antibiotics or some of the different natural ways we mentioned including the sibo yogurt, you get in there and you start killing these microbes and you know there's a good chance you're gonna notice some negative response and negative feelings before you start to feel better.

So talk about that a little bit and talk about

(1:24:52) the difference of die-off reactions from conventional ways of trading versus say using your yogurt.

This effect's been known for about a century ever since they first started treating syphilis of all things and when that microbe syphilis treponema dies, it releases its components and you get sicker, fever, chills, sometimes delirium. You can't breathe! Well, we kill off nasty microbes in the gi tract like let's say e coli and proteus and pseudomonas and klebsiella populate all 30 feet and we start to kill

(1:25:29) them off with whatever method we choose - an antibiotic or whatever (L reuteri or L gasseri) when they die you'll get a burst of endotoxemia.

It can feel like the flu achy all over low-grade fever, anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, depression - there are ways to kind of subdue the effect.

I mean you can't not kill the fungi; you’ve got to kill them - so ways to subdue the Endotoxemia would be to reduce the doses when you first start.

So let's say you're going to kill off fungi with berberine and let's say clove oil diluted into let's say olive

(1:26:08) oil. 

Go real low dose to start, so you don't get all that negative stuff. Then build it up over time; that's one way we do it. Another way is take something like activated charcoal and there's some other things that bind some of the lps to some of the endotoxin and it does help like h 500 1000 milligrams of activated charcoal is quite effective. It's also interpreted properly when you're getting die-off reaction: let's say chills, panic and depression - you know it's working you know you're

(1:26:37) having a positive effect because it seems to be independent of the agent you choose, (antibiotics or Natural Active Yogurt). In other words it's not the agent doing it, it's the death of microbes doing it and if we had access to a blood draw for serum lps, you would see there's a big uptick in serum lps.