Women with IBS and Support from Viva V Bacterial Yogurt

Women are twice as likely to be affected by IBS compared to men

The Daily Mail report highlights the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in women, indicating that women are twice as likely to be affected by IBS compared to men.

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly oestrogen and progesterone, have been shown to exacerbate IBS symptoms in women. Additionally, the report emphasises the brain-gut interaction in women and the potential heightened sensitivity in this connection, as well as the correlation between IBS in women and psychological factors such as depression and anxiety.

The report suggests that women with IBS may experience more bloating, nausea, and constipation, while men with IBS are more likely to report diarrhoea-related symptoms. It also notes that higher levels of progesterone can reduce the number of bowel movements, leading to diarrhoea when levels plummet. Moreover, the report emphasises the complex interplay of psychological and physical factors contributing to IBS among women, similar to other female health conditions.

 Viva V Bacterial Yogurt offers several potential benefits for women, (from our sister website: realreuteri.com) which are relevant for women suffering from IBS:

1. Digestive Health: Viva V supports gastrointestinal function, aids in digestive processes, and regulates bowel movements. These benefits align with potential needs for individuals with IBS, as maintaining gastrointestinal health and regulated bowel movements are often key concerns for those with this condition.

2. Immune System Support: The probiotics in Viva V contribute to a healthy immune system and may help promote healthy lung and sinus function. Since IBS is associated with immune system dysregulation and low-grade inflammation, immune system support may benefit individuals with IBS.

3. Hormonal Health: Research shows that the probiotics in Viva V offer benefits for hormonal health, potentially contributing to a healthier hormonal balance. Given the influence of hormonal fluctuations on IBS symptoms in women, hormonal health support may be relevant for women with IBS.

Although further research and clinical evidence specific to IBS would be necessary to confirm the efficacy of Viva V Bacterial Yogurt for individuals with IBS, the digestive health and immune system and hormonal support offered by the active bacteria in the yogurt provide benefits to women struggling with IBS.

(Please also check out this blog post for women and IBS)

Dr. William Davis, a well-known advocate for lifestyle-based health, offers valuable insights into managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Let’s explore his approach:

Effectively Managing IBS Symptoms through Dietary and Environmental Modifications

Understanding IBS:

- IBS affects 10-20% of the population causing unexplained bloating, abdominal discomfort, and bowel urgency.

- The typical medical evaluation does not address the cause and often leads to ineffective prescriptions with undesirable side effects.

Dietary Modifications:

  1. Wheat and Grain Elimination:

    • Dr. Davis emphasises that IBS symptoms can significantly improve by eliminating wheat and grains from the diet.

    • Modern wheat, especially semidwarf varieties, contains various bowel-disruptive toxins such as wheat germ agglutinin, phytates, D-amino acids, and gliadin-derived peptides.

    • Gluten-free replacements made from cornstarch, rice flour, tapioca starch, or potato flour can also exacerbate IBS symptoms. Therefore, it’s essential to avoid such junk gluten-free alternatives1.

  2. Cultivating Healthy Bowel Flora:

    • Many individuals with IBS have a disrupted bowel flora and an unhealthy balance of bowel flora, characterised by limited bacterial & fungal species diversity .

    • Dr. Davis recommends a two-pronged approach to change the bowel flora balance:

      • High-Potency Probiotics such as Gut Harmony L reuteri Yogurt: Taking a high-quality probiotic preparation for several weeks to months helps restore healthy gut flora.

      • Prebiotic Fibers and Resistant Starches: Consuming foods rich in prebiotics nourishes beneficial gut bacteria. Foods like Kimchi are made with plants rich in prebiotics

    • Correcting the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in reversing IBS symptoms1.

  3. Low-FODMAP Diet:

  4. Avoid Conventional Symptom-Suppressing Strategies:

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes. Individualised approaches are essential for managing IBS effectively.

It is worth noting that individual responses to probiotics can vary, and individuals with IBS should consider consulting with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to their diet or supplementation.  

 Summary: Viva V Bacterial Yogurt supports women's health through active bacteria, offering benefits for UTIs, vaginal health, weight management, skin health, fertility, and more. Potential support for women with IBS.

Tags: Viva V, Bacterial Yogurt, Women's Health, Probiotics, IBS, Digestive Health, Immune Support, Hormonal Balance