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YoGut Balance Yogurt for Healthy Digestion, SIBO, IBS Support

£ 12.00

"Discover the Power of Yo Gut Balance Yogurt”

At Real Reuteri, we're introducing the powerful YoGut Balance Yogurt that aids Healthy Digestion, working to restore Microbiome harmony. This special ‘yogurt’ is created by co-fermenting three potent bacterial strains, each carefully chosen for its unique properties.

Let's introduce the stars of our yogurt - our chosen microbes have the ability to battle the unwanted excess of bad bacteria causing IBS, SIBO.

Not just that, our friendly microbes make a home in the upper gastrointestinal tract, the very spot where IBS & SIBO usually occur.

Our chosen bacteria strains also have the ability to produce bacteriocins. These are special proteins that confront and eliminate harmful bacteria.

Within our Champion 3 Aces, we utilise strains of Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus reuteri (the all-time winner microbe), and Bacillus coagulans. These superhero microbes have the potential to produce natural antibiotics to combat digestive problems adn IBS, SIBO causing bacterial species.

Taking a closer look at our Champion 3, the Lactobacillus gasseri, in particular, can generate as many as seven bacteriocins, while our chosen reuteri strains can produce up to four bacteriocins.

This unique brewing of the three bacterial strains creates a delightful 'yogurt'. Do note, this isn't your regular supermarket yogurt. Resembling yogurt in appearance and aroma, our product is fermented pure dairy or pure coconut. Extended fermentation ensures truly high counts of beneficial bacteria to fight the bad guys.

Just a Couple of Spoonsful Daily!

YoGut Balance ‘yogurt’ is not only pleasant to taste but also incredibly beneficial. Simply consuming about 120ml daily for four weeks can yield significant results. According to early stage reports, approximately 90% of the 30 participants recorded normalized breath hydrogen gas levels, hinting its potential as a successful treatment.

Considering the simplicity of this regimen, which only involves the consumption of yogurt, it's relatively easy to adopt. Participants achieved SIBO reversal, or normalisation, without reliance on any antibiotics or artificial treatments- just our wellness yogurt!

The three bacterial strains present in the YoGut Balance Wellness Yogurt are:

1. Lactobacillus gasseri BNR17

2. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM17938 & ATCC PTA6475

3. Bacillus coagulans MTCC 5856

These strains were carefully selected for their unique wellness properties and benefits to your gut health.  

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